Are you looking for a sports chiropractor who can help you gain a physical advantage pre or post-surgery? If so, please contact Dr. Patrick McBrearty and his staff at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic online at or call us at 330-491-0381 for more details.
Most candidates who are going in for surgery, sometimes underestimate the strength it takes to get back to normal. Whether you are recovering from rotator cuff surgery or a quad tear, physical therapy at a chiropractor’s office is an essential piece to coming back stronger.
For most people, it is easy to underestimate something that they haven’t personally experienced. One of those things, in particular, is recovering from surgery. Surgery can be a very daunting task, that is why patients come to our office post-surgery. It is very important that you get on the right path prior to going in for surgery. Coming to our clinic before having surgery allows our staff an opportunity to create a specific rehabilitation program together for you. In addition, we will make sure that you are muscularly strong enough so that way your rehab can begin as soon as possible. This type of planning and foresight will allow you to get back to your everyday life much quicker than the usual patient.
Another reason you should see the sports chiropractor at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic after surgery is that you’ll need scar tissue and adhesions are broken up so your lymphatic system can carry it out. This will allow Dr. Patrick McBrearty to soften up the tough tissue that is not getting the correct amount of blood flow. You will also see an increase in range of motion which will give an additional amount of range of motion to that particular joint. One of the main issues people have when recovering post-surgery is the compensation and adjustment that your body makes. When your body decides to use other muscles to do another muscle’s job(s), it does not ask for your permission. In other words, you will not have any certain rationale for feeling the aches and pains in areas you’ve never experienced them in. This is why it is important to plan for the future, whether it be pre or post-surgery.
Although we do get many people to come in for pre or post-surgery services they also come in to see if surgery is medically necessary. Unfortunately, not all medical professionals are honest and upfront as they should be. Although this is not common among medical professionals, it is common among every profession to a degree. That is why it is always a safe and intelligent choice to get a second opinion with someone you trust, with no true stake in the game. In fact, we have been able to help patients avoid surgery through strengthening and corrective exercises. Now, this is not always the case, however, is always worth a shot to get another opinion.
So if you are in need of a sports chiropractor and happen to find us, please be sure to contact us so that we can navigate you through pre/post-surgery, or possibly the option of not even having it. Please book with us on our website at or call our office to speak with a team member at 330-491-0381.