There are not many chiropractors that are capable of analyzing patients’ running form, but at the greatest Ohio sports chiropractic clinic, our chiropractor’s care and assessments are unrivaled. Here at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic, we see runners on a daily basis for countless reasons. If you are a runner who feels the need to have their gait or running form evaluated, please contact us at 330-491-0381 or visit our website at

Most Runners do not understand how important it is to have an efficient running form. That is until they become injured and are unable to do the thing they love on a daily basis. However, we like to educate and fix running forms before a problem actually occurs. Preventative medicine is the best type of medicine because it allows you to understand and figure out the human body before it’s broken. 

Many may not even know what the correct running form looks like and that’s ok. We will not only help you alter your running form so that you become more efficient, but we will show you what the correct running form looks like. Changing and altering running form can be a difficult mission because you are attempting to change motor patterns that have been established and used for years. That’s why it’s so important for you to see Dr. Patrick McBrearty, who is said to run the greatest Ohio sports chiropractic clinic. Please visit our website at so that you can learn more about Dr. Patrick McBrearty and the treatment options he and his staff can offer every patient. 

If you think of how many steps you may be taking per minute multiplied by the number of minutes you’re running, you will find that it’s a rather large number. Most runners, with correct running form, that run for an hour might experience 4,500 steps in just an hour of running. 4,500 steps for a runner with great running form can be very stressful on the body. So how stressful do you think it would be for someone who doesn’t have a good running form? The answer is very simple, it is extremely stressful for those runners. It may not feel like that at the moment, but you compound all the steps over the course of an entire run and it can have the potential to alter your training.

So what are my next steps if I am considering coming into McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic, the highest-rated Ohio sports chiropractic clinic, to see Dr. Patrick McBreaty? Well, the first step would be to do a little more research on who and what the office is all about. You can educate yourself by reading past patient reviews on Google or you can do that by watching patient testimonials on our Facebook page. By doing so, we believe you will be confident and sure about choosing our office above all others. If you would like to schedule an appointment with us as your chiropractic office, you can do that by contacting us via our website at or by calling us at 330-491-0381. We look forward to helping you dominate in your next race with your new running form.