Have you been searching for a chiropractor who is educated enough in the Graston technique or have you found yourself thinking, “Ouch my back hurts”? If so, here at McBrearty Soft Tissue and Sport Chiropractic we have a couple of doctors who are veterans when it comes to handling soft tissue injuries with the Graston technique. This technique is a much more aggressive approach to dealing with chronic and nagging soft tissue injuries so it is wise to find the appropriate doctor for you. If you believe we may be the right choice for you, we encourage you to check out our website at www.yourartdoc.com or call us at 330-491-0381 to schedule an appointment.
When our doctors treat soft tissue injuries they typically use their hands before they experiment with any other tools or techniques we may administer in the office. This is largely due to the fact that the Graston technique can and has been a bit too aggressive for many patients especially right out of the gate. So if you are experiencing the complaint, “ouch my back hurts” typically you’ll see the doctor use a couple of different techniques before proceeding to the Graston technique. However, if the other methods of soft tissue treatment are not progressing the condition or ailment like we would like it to, that is when we will step in with the use of the Graston technique.
So what exactly does the Graston technique do? The Graston technique is designed to break up scar tissue or adhesions found in the muscular tissue that has been damaged or overused over a period Of time. It is a stainless steel tool that enables the doctor to gain depth of the tissue in order to smooth out the muscle. It has gained popularity over the years because of its ability to find knots and damaged tissue in the human body that is hard for doctors to feel with their hands. In other words, your body has a very tough time hiding damaged tissue from this instrument. A similar but very different tool would be a metal detector. Just like a piece of metal can’t hide from a metal detector either can damage tissue from a Graston tool.
How long is the recovery process after you have the Graston tool used on your body? Well, it is a very subjective answer due to the fact that everyone recovers differently from these types of treatment. For a seasoned athlete, they might be able to get away with practicing or playing three to four days later, however, someone who doesn’t do a lot of physical activity could be looking at a week. The reasoning behind this is due to the fact that blood flow is much more active in individuals who are physically active. So if you are naturally more physically active than the typical individual then you might experience a quicker recovery time. However, all who have this procedure done are not immune to the soreness and discomfort when palpating the area that was gray-toned. In addition, since we are breaking up scar tissue in your body it is very important that you drink a lot of water so that your lymphatic system can carry out the toxins that we are breaking up in the body.
For more information regarding this technique visit our website at www.yourartdoc.com so that you can explore the process at the best chiropractor in Canton, Ohio. If you find yourself thinking, “ouch my back hurts” or have any questions regarding this chiropractor who would be possibly performing this Graston technique on your appointment date, please contact our office. You can reach us by phone at 330-491-0381 or on our website at www.yourartdoc.com.