This content was written for chiropractor near me McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic.

Would you like to learn more about how you could reduce the risk of injury from a doc located in the Canton, Ohio region? Call McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic at 330-491-0381 or visit them online at to book an appointment and to learn more about how you can reduce the risk of injury in your everyday life. Call their office today and see what the buzz is about at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic.

Individuals around the country are constantly looking for ways in which they can improve their health and reduce the risk of injury. However, most individuals who are lecturing and giving the general public knowledge on how to do so are not health professionals. That is why it is important to find a trusted chiropractor near me that can help give you sound advice on how you can accomplish your goals. No matter what your health concerns or questions you may have to make sure you place your trust into someone who is an expert at reducing the chances from injuries occurring. At McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic they have helped thousands of individuals overcome injuries and have helped thousands more with reducing the risk of becoming injured in the future. That is why thousands of people have picked Dr. Patrick McBrearty as their doc and thats why individuals are still trusting him and his staff today.

So what advice does Dr. Patrick McBrearty and his colleagues give for helping people reduce the risk of injury from taking place. First they recommend that you use the self-massage techniques that are being used. Using techniques like these help individuals continue to get adequate blood supply to muscles that may be damaged by working out or by simply compeltingh everyday tasks. They also help move and break up scar tissue that can be present in particular muscle groups. This one technique that you will be taught how to do in the office on your first visit. Not only will they teach you how to self-massage the correct way but they will also give you a recommendation on where you can get your own self-massage tools to do it at home.

The next recommendation they have is to make sure you are stretching throughout the day in particular at night. Doing an activity like stretching will not only help with tight muscles but it will ensure that your muscles are taken through the proper range of motions because if you do not do this daily you will lose range of motion. Many injuries can occur from lack of range of motion so its important to do this. An advantage of doing this at night time is that it will allow your body to relax before you get into bed. This can potentially lead to greater and more efficient sleep and can help you heal throughout the night.

To learn more ways to reduce the risk of injury, pick up your phone and contact this chiropractor near me at 330-491-0381 or visit their website at Success is just on the other side of your first visit with McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic.

Chiropractor near me | Rules For Self Massage

This content was written for McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic.

If you desire to learn more about the rules for self massage from a chiropractor near me who is an expert in soft tissue therapy then you need to call Dr. Patrick McBrearty and team at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic. You can reach their office by calling 330-491-0381 or by going over to their website and booking an appointment on their patient portal. Learning how to use the self massage techniques safely is a very valuable tool to have if you plan on coaching others or ultizing the information yourself to manage soft tissuye injuries. Its not as hard as you might think it is but it is valuable to learn from an advanced health professional so that you can do the right things the right way.

There are multiple rules for self massage when it comes to managing and preventing aches and pains throughout the human body. The first recommendation or warning is that you should not experience any numbness or tingling when using a foam roller or other tool to self massage your body. If at any time you experience any of these two sensations you should immediately stop rolling or placing pressure on that specific area and contact an advanced health provider such as McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic. Another recommendation or rule of thumb when following the rules for self massage is to never continue to roll if you are experiencing any severe pain or discomfort. When rolling or using the self massage technique Dr. Patrick McBrearty states that the feeling should be slightly uncomfortable and that it should be a good hurt. It should never feel as if you are laboring to get work done.

Another rule is that you should be aware of how inflamed a muscle group is before you self massage. There is a possibility that you could damage the muscle tissue further if the muscle tissue is already extremely inflamed and tender to the touch. Signs of inflammation would include redness, swelling, and tenderness in the designated area. If you are experiencing any of those you should consult a doc such as McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic.

Dr. Patrick McBrearty has taught thousands of individuals how to self massage the correct way for over a decade. It might seem easy but there are multiple cues and things to look for when massaging muscular tissue in aprticualr regions of the body. That is why it is wise and important to schedule an appointment with Dr. McBrearty and his team so that they can make sure you are taking care of your body the correct way. Each session with the team over at McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic will not only include treatment of your aches and pains but there will also be time for education on how you can take care of yourself properly. Do not miss an opportunity to learn more about how you can take care of your body by scheduling an appointment with one of the best offices in all of Ohio.

Place your appointment online at or by phone at 330-491-0381 so that this chiropractor near me can get you on your way by teaching you the rules for self massage. Dont wait, call Dr. Patrick McBrearty and McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic today.