Once again we will be going over the sum of the scripture that we have here at the office the next right that we will be talking about is our standing Warrior position this is very similar to one of the other articles that we already have written it’s going to kind of go over the exact same area are McBready soft tissue and Sport Chiropractic chiropractor Canton Ohio same stretch standing. you can get help with your stretches and everything we look at 807 30th Street Northeast Canton Ohio 44714 you can reach that 330-491-0381. Website is www.yourartdoc.com
Stanton Warriors similar to be standing I can use to fly into the carpet or the mask that one foot forward give a reference point have one foot forward one step out and have that he was lying on that line not right angle measure my rotate my hips or the front leg I’m going to keep my back straight and I keep that straight as I can I’m going to push my head forward towards the front leg over the towel at all to be like way over here or more to it.
So basically what we are doing with this stretch we are going into kind of like my yoga standing warrior pose where your one leg is brought out in your foot is facing forward and then your secondary like your fate your foot is pivoted out and almost like a 90 degree angle and then what you’re going to do with your dominant foot his move the leg that is in the 90 degree angle you’re going to move that foot over to your right or left whatever like that you have is your primary one you’re going to extend that over to the side and what you’re going to do is you’re actually going to bend your knee that is not facing forward you’re going to bend that and me into the stretch this right here will give you a nice stretch going through your legs and we will be able to see your full range of motion here in this stretch.
This is just another example of one of the structures that we do not hear me pray to talk to mcbrearty soft tissue & Sport Chiropractic year first choice and soft tissue treatment. are your chiropractor Canton OhioWe are located at 807 30th Street Northeast Canton Ohio 44714. Phone number 330-491-0381. www.yourartdoc.com. please do not be discouraged reach out to us in order to book an appointment we are accepting patients Monday through Friday we are accepting new patients we accept pretty much all forms of insurance the ones you call will be able to verify your insurance for you and let you know what your cost will be for your appointment here at mcbrearty soft tissue & Sport Chiropractic your chiropractor Canton Ohio. Come on in.
Chiropractor Canton Ohio | Raffle It Up
At McBrearty Chiropractic the top priority is the patient experience and that is what makes McBrearty Chiropractic the most exceptional chiropractor Canton Ohio. To contact us with questions or to book your first appointment call the phone number 330-491-0381 or contact us online at www.yourartdoc.com.
Part of the exceptional experience mcbrearty Chiropractic provides for each patient is the chance to win the monthly raffle.Chiropractic has a super cool raffle to engage patience and to help grow our social media following that’s growing our business. the Raffles occur each month. While it is usually the same qualifications to be entered within a raffle for prizes differ per month. So to enter raffle one could just fill out a Google review and hopefully give us five stars, A person could provide a video testimonial or follow us on Instagram. All of these entries are aimed to engage and attract a larger audience and us growing our patient base. Each qualification to enter the raffle can get you entered into the raffle different amount of times. A Google review is one entry for the month, a video testimony is 5 entries and following us on Instagram your art doc because you want entry.
The winnings of the monthly raffle Decker with each consecutive months. The October 2020 Raffle winners received $125 worth of personal training lessons at a local fitness place a lacrosse ball and a Nike recovery ball. Now the month of November for the year 2020 the winner will receive a softball and a freeze sleeve. Mcbrearty Chiropractic tries to have the winning of the raffle receive good stuff. the freeze sleeve prize is pretty good and would be beneficial to almost any patient that enters at me McBrearty chiropractic
The raffle goes from the first to the last day of the month. so on the last day of the month all of the names are collected from the potential prospects of the gravel and are entered into an online generating system. This online generating system is a fair and non bias way to ensure that whoever wins the raffle won it fairly. Once the oh my general Eng system comes up with the name we then get in contact with the contest winner to let them know to claim their prizes. And once the winner has their prize we snap a quick pic to post for a social media letting other people know just what cool Raffles they can participate in here at mcbrearty Chiropractic.
It’s not every day that your chiropractor Canton Ohio has monthly Raffles, but at McCready Chiropractic that’s how we operate. Answer the raffle for November 2020 follow us on Instagram, do a Google review or do a video testimonial to enter and stay tuned to see if you have one. If you have any questions on how to enter the raffle or what the prices are for the current month contact mcbrearty Chiropractic is 330-491-0381 or visit our website at ww.w. Yourart.com