Why should I see a professional Chiropractor in Canton, Ohio?
Chiropractors focus on treating issues with the nervous system, the muscle system, and the skeletal system. Traditionally, a chiropractor will adjust the body to enhance the nervous system's communication, which will allow the body to function better. In our office, we take this process many steps further. Our team of doctors has the knowledge and skills to allow them to determine exactly what type of issue you have! Whether the issue is regarding the nervous system, the skeletal system, or the muscle system. The issues that we most commonly see, are issues with soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and fascia). This makes sense because the soft tissues of the body allow the body to move, and with that, these structures take the bulk of the abuse that we put our bodies through. As a result, these are the structures that are most commonly damaged through daily activities. A traditional chiropractic adjustment will not fix these soft tissue problems. You need to have a doctor who is skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injuries to effectively treat the cause of these problems. Because the team at McBrearty Soft Tissue and Sport Chiropractic takes this approach, this team is best equipped to handle the issues that are causing your pain.
In our office we step outside of the traditional Chiropractic approach that many other chiropractors in the area prescribe to. Research has shown that during an evaluation with our chiropractor in Canton, Ohio, patients usually present with one of three types of issues that are causing their pain and dysfunction. These three issues are a soft tissue injury, a joint mobility issue, or a poor motor pattern that then causes their bodies to not be able to move properly. The traditional chiropractic approach effectively treats joint mobility issues but won’t effectively address or treat the other two issues that are more common. In our office, our doctors have the knowledge and skill set not only to diagnose effectively but also to treat all three issues to be able to efficiently and effectively get results. It’s for this reason that McBrearty Chiropractic has become the “Chiropractor of Choice for Athletes” and works with professional teams in the area, such as the Cleveland Cavaliers Developmental Team and the Canton Charge.
When you arrive at our office we understand that you are already in pain and we do not want to delay the process of getting you out of pain any further. So yes, on your first visit, we will perform a comprehensive examination and determine the root cause of your pain. Our doctors will then provide a thorough explanation of what is causing your pain so that you have a full understanding of why you are experiencing the pain you are in. Once we have done that, we will determine exactly what your treatment plan will be and what tools will be necessary to get you the results you want and need, and we will begin treatment immediately.
On your first visit to our office, there are many things that need to be taken care of to ensure the best quality of care. Through this process, we will confirm that all of your initial paperwork is completed correctly, perform a comprehensive examination, and provide treatment to get you on the road to recovery as fast as possible. With all of these things being performed, a typical first visit can last between 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the severity of your case.
At McBrearty Soft Tissue & Sport Chiropractic, we take many different insurances. One way to confirm that we are currently in network with your insurance is to click on this link to see a list of the insurances that we are currently in network with:
If you do not currently see your insurance on this list, please call the office at (330) 491-0381 to see if we have recently become in network with your insurance.
If you are a new patient to our office, it is important that you schedule a New Patient Exam when you schedule online. This specific exam can take approximately between 60 to 90 minutes to perform and during this exam you will receive a thorough history, open assessment, orthopedic and neurological evaluation, and soft tissue assessment. At the conclusion of the exam, a review and findings will be performed by the doctor. The doctor will then specifically discuss the areas of your pain with you and explain the root cause of your pain. Many times, when a patient is experiencing pain, the pain can be a result of another problem, and the pain could be due to a compensatory pattern that has occurred. It’s for this reason that Dr. McBrearty and his staff talk about specific goals for their patients on a patient’s first visit to the office. The first goal is to make the patient pain-free, and the second goal is to create the ability for the patient’s body to function properly. If these two goals are not met, then results will never be achieved.
If you have been a patient at McBrearty Soft Tissue and Sport Chiropractic in the past but have not been in for a visit for more than three months, it is important that you schedule a re-examination when you schedule your appointment online. This will include an examination, which is essential for Dr. McBrearty and his staff to determine your current condition, a review with you of what structures are currently causing your pain and the root cause of your pain.
During your initial examination, your doctor will determine how long of an appointment you need for them to provide the treatment necessary to get the results you want. This appointment time can range from 15 to 30 minutes. If you are not certain how much time the doctor needs to provide you with your specific treatment, it is best that you call the office to schedule your appointment. If you would like to schedule your appointments online in the future and need to know how long the appointment needs to be, ask your doctor on your next visit what type of appointment you should be scheduling and how long that appointment should be. This can ensure that the doctor has the proper amount of time to give you the treatment and care that you need to allow you to get the results that you want.
On your first visit, a comprehensive examination will be performed followed by your treatment. Your treatment will consist of soft tissue therapy and chiropractic manipulation. Due to the movement that is necessary for you to perform during the examination and the treatment, it is recommended that you bring or wear loose clothing so that you are able to move freely and comfortably throughout the entire experience. Some examples of types of clothing that patients wear when they come to their appointments are athletic clothing, shorts, sweatpants, yoga pants, short-sleeved shirts, and tank tops. If you attend your appointment and need loose-fitting clothing, Dr. McBreaty and his staff will be able to provide you with clothing for your appointment. You will also need to bring your most recent/updated version of your insurance card (if applicable) and your identification. Both documents are necessary for the check-in process of a new patient.
One of the main goals that Dr. McBreaty and his staff have for their patients is to provide patients with the knowledge and tools for the patient to be able to take care of themselves. While we have the ability to provide you with care for the rest of your life, that is not our ultimate goal for you! During your experience, you will receive treatment to heal and repair your body physically. You will also be receiving an education on how you will be able to take care of yourself through proper stretching, self massage, and corrective exercises so you can reduce your risk of injury in the future. It is then up to you to take this knowledge and these tools and use them to effectively maintain your own body. If you are able to do this, you will achieve the results that you want and be able to maintain your body so that in the future, your risk of injury will dramatically decrease. Dr. McBreaty and his staff have a saying, “No news is good news!”.
All Rights Reserved McBrearty Chiropractic.